Baby Chronicles: Acension
Part II: The Miracle of Motherhood
A mother is born when a baby is born.
You and your child suffer a deep trauma together and then depend on each other for food and sleep. Your body clocks sync. Birth leaves it scars, breastfeeding binds them.
You both regress to newborns for those first precious few months where you’re recovering, learning to navigate an entirely new world to the one you once knew.
You’ve felt their kicks inside you. You’ve heard their heartbeat. You carried their weight. Your organs have been compressed as they grew. Your immmune, nervous and circulatory systems were once linked.
At first, it seems strange to have them out of you, but they are still an extension of you. You connect at a new physical, visceral and hormonal level as you breastfeed and hold your child to sleep. They need you, they look for you, you are the only thing they recognize and want.
After the regression, you ascend. Your mind expands. Your mental, emotional and physical body and energy is reshaped. You learn to know and prioritize another being entirely overly yourself.
You love them so much that you’re scared. You live in fear. Have they had enough milk, can they sleep safely through the night, what if they fall or get sick.
But you are more than you used to be. You vibrate at a higher frequency. You hold more, you know more, you give more. Your mind is able to hold their feeding schedules and meal plans, able to feel their feelings, understand the look in their eyes, know when they wake up in another room.
They sense your love. They are safe in your arms even at their most helpless, vulnerable. They call for you when they’re sick, confused.
And as you watch another human form- as their senses develop, as their emotions grow more complex, as they process the world around them, you understand what the fundamentals of life really are- what really matters. Hunger, sleep, love, safety.
In your shared helplessness, you are reborn. You are more than you used to be: more in touch with your body, your feminine energy, the divinity of motherhood.
You have been blessed, and you are grateful.